Concert Uniform - Regular Members:



  • Legion Pants
  • Long sleeve white shirt
  • Narrow black bow tie (no butterfly ties)
  • Legion jacket
  • Legion braid
  • Black socks
  • Black shoes





  • Legion skirt or Legion pants
  • Long sleeve white Legion shirt
  • Legion bow tie
  • Legion jacket
  • Legion braid
  • Black stockings
  • Closed-toe black shoes (no patterns or designs)



Concert Uniform - Substitutes or members without a uniform:


  • Black or navy blue suit
  • Long sleeve white shirt (no short-sleeve shirts)
  • Narrow black bow tie
  • Black socks
  • Black shoes


  • Long black in any combination - long black gown, long black skirt w/long-sleeve black shirt, black pants w/long-sleeve black shirt
  • Black stockings/socks
  • Closed-toe black shoes

Parades - Substitutes or members without a uniform:



  • Legion pants
  • Legion shirt
  • Legion braid
  • Long black yellow tie
  • Yellow Legion buckle belt
  • Legion hat
  • Black socks
  • Black shoes
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© 2024 American Legion Band of the Tonawandas